8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (2024)

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Simplify expressions with roots
  • Estimate and approximate roots
  • Simplify variable expressions with roots

Be Prepared 8.1

Before you get started, take this readiness quiz.

Simplify: (−9)2(−9)2 9292 (−9)3.(−9)3.
If you missed this problem, review Example 2.21.

Be Prepared 8.2

Round 3.8463.846 to the nearest hundredth.
If you missed this problem, review Example 1.34.

Be Prepared 8.3

Simplify: x3·x3x3·x3 y2·y2·y2y2·y2·y2 z3·z3·z3·z3.z3·z3·z3·z3.
If you missed this problem, review Example 5.12.

Simplify Expressions with Roots

In Foundations, we briefly looked at square roots. Remember that when a real number n is multiplied by itself, we write n2n2 and read it ‘n squared’. This number is called the square of n, and n is called the square root. For example,

132is read “13 squared”169 is called thesquareof 13, since132=16913 is asquare rootof 169132is read “13 squared”169 is called thesquareof 13, since132=16913 is asquare rootof 169

Square and Square Root of a number


Ifn2=m,thenmis thesquareofn.Ifn2=m,thenmis thesquareofn.

Square Root

Ifn2=m,thennis asquare rootofm.Ifn2=m,thennis asquare rootofm.

Notice (−13)2 = 169 also, so −13 is also a square root of 169. Therefore, both 13 and −13 are square roots of 169.

So, every positive number has two square roots—one positive and one negative. What if we only wanted the positive square root of a positive number? We use a radical sign, and write, m,m, which denotes the positive square root of m. The positive square root is also called the principal square root. This symbol, as well as other radicals to be introduced later, are grouping symbols.

We also use the radical sign for the square root of zero. Because 02=0,02=0, 0=0.0=0. Notice that zero has only one square root.

Square Root Notation

mis read “the square root ofm”.Ifn2=m,thenn=m,forn0.mis read “the square root ofm”.Ifn2=m,thenn=m,forn0.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (1)

We know that every positive number has two square roots and the radical sign indicates the positive one. We write 169=13.169=13. If we want to find the negative square root of a number, we place a negative in front of the radical sign. For example, 169=−13.169=−13.

Example 8.1

Simplify: 144144 289.289.


Since 122=144.122=144.1212

Since 172=289172=289 and the negative is in front of the radical sign.−17−17

Try It 8.1

Simplify: 6464 225.225.

Try It 8.2

Simplify: 100100 121.121.

Can we simplify −49?−49? Is there a number whose square is −49?−49?


Any positive number squared is positive. Any negative number squared is positive. There is no real number equal to −49.−49. The square root of a negative number is not a real number.

Example 8.2

Simplify: −196−196 64.64.


There is no real number whose square is −196.−196.−196is not a real number.−196is not a real number.

The negative is in front of the radical.−8−8

Try It 8.3

Simplify: −169−169 81.81.

Try It 8.4

Simplify: 4949 −121.−121.

So far we have only talked about squares and square roots. Let’s now extend our work to include higher powers and higher roots.

Let’s review some vocabulary first.

We write:We say:n2nsquaredn3ncubedn4nto the fourth powern5nto the fifth powerWe write:We say:n2nsquaredn3ncubedn4nto the fourth powern5nto the fifth power

The terms ‘squared’ and ‘cubed’ come from the formulas for area of a square and volume of a cube.

It will be helpful to have a table of the powers of the integers from −5 to 5. See Figure 8.2.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (2)

Figure 8.2

Notice the signs in the table. All powers of positive numbers are positive, of course. But when we have a negative number, the even powers are positive and the odd powers are negative. We’ll copy the row with the powers of −2 to help you see this.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (3)

We will now extend the square root definition to higher roots.

nth Root of a Number

Ifbn=a,thenbis annthroot ofa.The principalnthroot ofais writtenan.nis called theindexof the radical.Ifbn=a,thenbis annthroot ofa.The principalnthroot ofais writtenan.nis called theindexof the radical.

Just like we use the word ‘cubed’ for b3, we use the term ‘cube root’ for a3.a3.

We can refer to Figure 8.2 to help find higher roots.


Could we have an even root of a negative number? We know that the square root of a negative number is not a real number. The same is true for any even root. Even roots of negative numbers are not real numbers. Odd roots of negative numbers are real numbers.

Properties of a n a n

When n is an even number and

  • a0,a0, then anan is a real number.
  • a<0,a<0, then anan is not a real number.

When n is an odd number, anan is a real number for all values of a.

We will apply these properties in the next two examples.

Example 8.3

Simplify: 643643 814814 325.325.


Since 43=64.43=64.44

Since (3)4=81.(3)4=81.33

Since (2)5=32.(2)5=32.22

Try It 8.5

Simplify: 273273 25642564 2435.2435.

Try It 8.6

Simplify: 1000310003 164164 10245.10245.

In this example be alert for the negative signs as well as even and odd powers.

Example 8.4

Simplify: −1253−1253 -164-164 −2435.−2435.


Since (−5)3=−125.(−5)3=−125.−5−5

Think, (?)4=−16.(?)4=−16. No real number raised to the fourth power is negative.Not a real number.

Since (−3)5=−243.(−3)5=−243.−3−3

Try It 8.7

Simplify: −273−273 −2564−2564 −325.−325.

Try It 8.8

Simplify: −2163−2163 −814−814 −10245.−10245.

Estimate and Approximate Roots

When we see a number with a radical sign, we often don’t think about its numerical value. While we probably know that the 4=2,4=2, what is the value of 2121 or 503?503? In some situations a quick estimate is meaningful and in others it is convenient to have a decimal approximation.

To get a numerical estimate of a square root, we look for perfect square numbers closest to the radicand. To find an estimate of 11,11, we see 11 is between perfect square numbers 9 and 16, closer to 9. Its square root then will be between 3 and 4, but closer to 3.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (4)

Similarly, to estimate 913,913, we see 91 is between perfect cube numbers 64 and 125. The cube root then will be between 4 and 5.

Example 8.5

Estimate each root between two consecutive whole numbers: 105105 433.433.


Think of the perfect square numbers closest to 105. Make a small table of these perfect squares and their squares roots.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (5)
8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (6)
Locate 105 between two consecutive perfect squares.8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (7)
105105 is between their square roots.8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (8)

Similarly we locate 43 between two perfect cube numbers.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (9)
8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (10)
Locate 43 between two consecutive perfect cubes.8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (11)
433433 is between their cube roots.8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (12)

Try It 8.9

Estimate each root between two consecutive whole numbers:

3838 933933

Try It 8.10

Estimate each root between two consecutive whole numbers:

8484 15231523

There are mathematical methods to approximate square roots, but nowadays most people use a calculator to find square roots. To find a square root you will use the xx key on your calculator. To find a cube root, or any root with higher index, you will use the xyxy key.

When you use these keys, you get an approximate value. It is an approximation, accurate to the number of digits shown on your calculator’s display. The symbol for an approximation is and it is read ‘approximately’.

Suppose your calculator has a 10 digit display. You would see that

52.236067978rounded to two decimal places is52.249343.105422799rounded to two decimal places is9343.1152.236067978rounded to two decimal places is52.249343.105422799rounded to two decimal places is9343.11

How do we know these values are approximations and not the exact values? Look at what happens when we square them:


Their squares are close to 5, but are not exactly equal to 5. The fourth powers are close to 93, but not equal to 93.

Example 8.6

Round to two decimal places: 1717 493493 514.514.


Use the calculator square root key.4.1231056264.123105626
Round to two decimal places.4.124.12

Use the calculator xyxy key.3.6593057103.659305710
Round to two decimal places.3.663.66

Use the calculator xyxy key.2.67234511772.6723451177
Round to two decimal places.2.672.67

Try It 8.11

Round to two decimal places:

1111 713713 1274.1274.

Try It 8.12

Round to two decimal places:

1313 843843 984.984.

Simplify Variable Expressions with Roots

The odd root of a number can be either positive or negative. For example,

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (13)

But what about an even root? We want the principal root, so 6254=5.6254=5.

But notice,

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (14)

How can we make sure the fourth root of −5 raised to the fourth power is 5? We can use the absolute value. |−5|=5.|−5|=5. So we say that when n is even ann=|a|.ann=|a|. This guarantees the principal root is positive.

Simplifying Odd and Even Roots

For any integer n2,n2,

when the indexnis oddann=awhen the indexnis evenann=|a|when the indexnis oddann=awhen the indexnis evenann=|a|

We must use the absolute value signs when we take an even root of an expression with a variable in the radical.

Example 8.7

Simplify: x2x2 n33n33 p44p44 y55.y55.


We use the absolute value to be sure to get the positive root.

Since the index nn is even, ann=|a|.ann=|a|.|x||x|

This is an odd indexed root so there is no need for an absolute value sign.

Since the index nn is odd, ann=a.ann=a.nn

Since the index nis evenann=|a|.nis evenann=|a|.|p||p|

Since the index nn is odd, ann=a.ann=a.yy

Try It 8.13

Simplify: b2b2 w33w33 m44m44 q55.q55.

Try It 8.14

Simplify: y2y2 p33p33 z44z44 q55.q55.

What about square roots of higher powers of variables? The Power Property of Exponents says (am)n=am·n.(am)n=am·n. So if we square am, the exponent will become 2m.


Looking now at the square root,

a2mSince(am)2=a2m.(am)2Sincenis evenann=|a|.|am|Soa2m=|am|.a2mSince(am)2=a2m.(am)2Sincenis evenann=|a|.|am|Soa2m=|am|.

We apply this concept in the next example.

Example 8.8

Simplify: x6x6 y16.y16.


Since (x3)2=x6.(x3)2=x6.(x3)2(x3)2
Since the index nn is even an=|a|.an=|a|.|x3||x3|

Since (y8)2=y16.(y8)2=y16.(y8)2(y8)2
Since the index nn is even ann=|a|.ann=|a|.y8y8
In this case the absolute value sign is not needed as y8y8 is positive.

Try It 8.15

Simplify: y18y18 z12.z12.

Try It 8.16

Simplify: m4m4 b10.b10.

The next example uses the same idea for highter roots.

Example 8.9

Simplify: y183y183 z84.z84.


Since (y6)3=y18.(y6)3=y18.(y6)33(y6)33
Since nn is odd, ann=a.ann=a.y6y6

Since (z2)4=z8.(z2)4=z8.(z2)44(z2)44
Since z2z2 is positive, we do not need an absolute value sign.z2z2

Try It 8.17

Simplify: u124u124 v153.v153.

Try It 8.18

Simplify: c205c205 d246d246

In the next example, we now have a coefficient in front of the variable. The concept a2m=|am|a2m=|am| works in much the same way.


But notice 25u8=5u425u8=5u4 and no absolute value sign is needed as u4 is always positive.

Example 8.10

Simplify: 16n216n2 81c2.81c2.


Since (4n)2=16n2.(4n)2=16n2.(4n)2(4n)2
Since the index nn is even ann=|a|.ann=|a|.4|n|4|n|

Since (9c)2=81c2.(9c)2=81c2.(9c)2(9c)2
Since the index nn is even ann=|a|.ann=|a|.−9|c|−9|c|

Try It 8.19

Simplify: 64x264x2 100p2.100p2.

Try It 8.20

Simplify: 169y2169y2 121y2.121y2.

This example just takes the idea farther as it has roots of higher index.

Example 8.11

Simplify: 64p6364p63 16q124.16q124.


Rewrite 64p664p6 as (4p2)3.(4p2)3.(4p2)33(4p2)33
Take the cube root.4p24p2

Rewrite the radicand as a fourth power.(2q3)44(2q3)44
Take the fourth root.2|q3|2|q3|

Try It 8.21

Simplify: 27x27327x273 81q284.81q284.

Try It 8.22

Simplify: 125q93125q93 243q255.243q255.

The next examples have two variables.

Example 8.12

Simplify: 36x2y236x2y2 121a6b8121a6b8 64p63q93.64p63q93.


Since (6xy)2=36x2y2(6xy)2=36x2y2(6xy)2(6xy)2
Take the square root.6|xy|6|xy|

Since (11a3b4)2=121a6b8(11a3b4)2=121a6b8(11a3b4)2(11a3b4)2
Take the square root.11|a3|b411|a3|b4

Since (4p21q3)3=64p63q9(4p21q3)3=64p63q9(4p21q3)33(4p21q3)33
Take the cube root.4p21q34p21q3

Try It 8.23

Simplify: 100a2b2100a2b2 144p12q20144p12q20 8x30y1238x30y123

Try It 8.24

Simplify: 225m2n2225m2n2 169x10y14169x10y14 27w36z15327w36z153


Access this online resource for additional instruction and practice with simplifying expressions with roots.

  • Simplifying Variables Exponents with Roots using Absolute Values

Section 8.1 Exercises

Practice Makes Perfect

Simplify Expressions with Roots

In the following exercises, simplify.


6464 8181


169169 100100


196196 11


144144 121121


4949 0.010.01


6412164121 0.160.16


−121−121 289289


400400 −36−36


225225 −9−9


−49−49 256256


21632163 25642564


273273 164164 24352435


51235123 814814 1515


12531253 1296412964 1024510245


−83−83 −814−814 −325−325


−643−643 −164−164 −2435−2435


−1253−1253 −12964−12964 −10245−10245


−5123−5123 −814−814 −15−15

Estimate and Approximate Roots

In the following exercises, estimate each root between two consecutive whole numbers.


7070 713713


5555 11931193


200200 13731373


172172 20032003

In the following exercises, approximate each root and round to two decimal places.


1919 893893 974974


2121 933933 10141014


5353 14731473 45244524


4747 16331633 52745274

Simplify Variable Expressions with Roots

In the following exercises, simplify using absolute values as necessary.


u55u55 v88v88


a33a33 b99b99


y44y44 m77m77


k88k88 p66p66


x6x6 y16y16


a14a14 w24w24


x24x24 y22y22


a12a12 b26b26


x93x93 y124y124


a105a105 b273b273


m84m84 n205n205


r126r126 s303s303


49x249x2 81x1881x18


100y2100y2 100m32100m32


121m20121m20 64a264a2


81x3681x36 25x225x2


16x8416x84 64y12664y126


−8c93−8c93 125d153125d153


216a63216a63 32b20532b205


128r147128r147 81s24481s244


144x2y2144x2y2 169w8y10169w8y10 8a51b638a51b63


196a2b2196a2b2 81p24q681p24q6 27p45q9327p45q93


121a2b2121a2b2 9c8d129c8d12 64x15y66364x15y663


225x2y2z2225x2y2z2 36r6s2036r6s20 125y18z273125y18z273

Writing Exercises


Why is there no real number equal to −64?−64?


What is the difference between 9292 and 9?9?


Explain what is meant by the nth root of a number.


Explain the difference of finding the nth root of a number when the index is even compared to when the index is odd.

Self Check

After completing the exercises, use this checklist to evaluate your mastery of the objectives of this section.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (15)

If most of your checks were:

…confidently. Congratulations! You have achieved the objectives in this section. Reflect on the study skills you used so that you can continue to use them. What did you do to become confident of your ability to do these things? Be specific.

…with some help. This must be addressed quickly because topics you do not master become potholes in your road to success. In math every topic builds upon previous work. It is important to make sure you have a strong foundation before you move on. Whom can you ask for help?Your fellow classmates and instructor are good resources. Is there a place on campus where math tutors are available? Can your study skills be improved?

…no - I don’t get it! This is a warning sign and you must not ignore it. You should get help right away or you will quickly be overwhelmed. See your instructor as soon as you can to discuss your situation. Together you can come up with a plan to get you the help you need.

8.1 Simplify Expressions with Roots - Intermediate Algebra 2e | OpenStax (2024)


How do you simplify roots in algebra? ›

Simplifying a Square Root

Step 1: Find the prime factors of the number inside the radical sign. Step 2: Group the factors into pairs. Step 3: Pull out one integer outside the radical sign for each pair. Leave the other integers that could not be paired inside the radical sign.

How do you simplify algebraic expressions Grade 11? ›

Step 1: Do operations inside grouping symbols such as parentheses (...), brackets [...] and braces {...}. Step 2: Do multiplication (including powers) and division (including roots) going from left to right. Step 3: Do addition and subtraction going from left to right.

What is the easiest way to simplify in algebra? ›

Simplifying an algebraic expression means writing the expression in the most basic way possible by eliminating parentheses and combining like terms. For example, to simplify 3x + 6x + 9x, add the like terms: 3x + 6x + 9x = 18x.

How do you simplify expressions examples? ›

Step 1: Solve parentheses by adding/subtracting like terms inside and by multiplying the terms inside the brackets with the factor written outside. For example, 2x (x + y) can be simplified as 2x2 + 2xy. Step 2: Use the exponent rules to simplify terms containing exponents. Step 3: Add or subtract the like terms.

How to solve algebraic expressions step by step? ›

How to Solve an Algebra Problem
  1. Step 1: Write Down the Problem. ...
  2. Step 2: PEMDAS. ...
  3. Step 3: Solve the Parenthesis. ...
  4. Step 4: Handle the Exponents/ Square Roots. ...
  5. Step 5: Multiply. ...
  6. Step 6: Divide. ...
  7. Step 7: Add/ Subtract (aka, Combine Like Terms) ...
  8. Step 8: Find X by Division.

What is the rule for simplifying expressions? ›

When we simplify an expression we operate in the following order: Simplify the expressions inside parentheses, brackets, braces and fractions bars. Evaluate all powers. Do all multiplications and division from left to right. Do all addition and subtractions from left to right.

What are simplify algebraic expressions? ›

Algebraic skillsSimplifying an expression

Algebraic expressions can be simplified by multiplying out the brackets and collecting like terms, or by factorising with a common factor.

What is the simplest form of an algebraic expression? ›

An algebraic expression is in simplest form if it has no like terms and no parentheses. To combine like terms that have variables, use the Distributive Property to add or subtract the coefficients. The numerical factor of a term that contains a variable is a coefficient.

What is grade 8 algebra? ›

Grade 8 Algebra is a high school level Algebra 1 course, and is the first course on their growth in upper level mathematics. The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned through mastery of the middle school standards.

How to solve equations? ›

In order to solve equations, you need to work out the value of the unknown variable by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing both sides of the equation by the same value. Combine like terms. Simplify the equation by using the opposite operation to both sides. Isolate the variable on one side of the equation.

How do you simplify like terms? ›

When simplifying using addition and subtraction, you combine “like terms” by keeping the "like term" and adding or subtracting the numerical coefficients. Golden Rule of Algebra: “Do unto one side of the equal sign as you will do to the other…”

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.