How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (2024)

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (1)

Personally, using the power of gratitude is the best way for me to manifest something easily. When you practice grateful manifesting, you are raising your vibrations to be aligned with what you want and so you are a magnet for your intentions.

Gratitude raises your vibrations and energy, putting you in a state of abundance and alignment with what you want to manifest and the life you desire.

So, are you looking for a way to manifest easier and faster? Maybe even on autopilot?

In this post, I’m sharing my number one way to manifest automatically and effortlessly.

I’ll show you how to use the power of gratitude to manifest anything on autopilot.

I’ll also guide you to easily transform your mindset to one of gratitude and discuss five benefits of being grateful.

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How To Use Gratitude To Manifest Anything

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (3)

I have had the most success with every manifestation method when I manifest from a place of gratitude.

When you are grateful for what you already have and what you’re asking for in your manifestation, it opens up the energy channels, raises your vibrations, and allows the good to flow to you much easier.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (4)

5 Steps For Grateful Manifesting

Use the following five steps to manifest from a place of gratitude to get anything you desire.

  1. Start your manifestation with appreciation
  2. Be clear & specific about your intention
  3. Feel & believe that it is already yours
  4. End your manifestation with gratitude
  5. Let it go, & take action

Start your manifestation with appreciation

As you know, when you start your manifestation with gratitude, you are aligning yourself with the vibration of what you want.

Begin your manifestation with gratitude for what you have and what you are asking for.

This puts you in a positive and abundant state to receive.

To do this, simply start by thanking the universe, God, creator for what you have and for your intention, because you know that it is already yours.

Thank them for the good that is in your life and for all the good that will come into your life because of your manifestation.

This gratitude opens up the energy channels and allows the flow of good to come to you.

Use these 33 gratitude affirmations and 21 gratitude journal prompts to help you get started.

You can also grab this Gratitude Prompts Fillable PDf, Hyperlinked to 21 Gratitude Journal Prompts Digital Download.

Be clear & specific about your intention

Being clear and specific about your intention is key to manifesting what you want.

Don’t focus on things you don’t want.

You should never mix something that you want with something that you want. If you do it, you’re confusing your intention and sending mixed or confusing signals – which is a recipe for never getting what you truly want.

So be as clear as possible with your intention by only thinking about what you desire now.

When you are clear about your intention, you create focused energy that allows the universe to deliver your desire to you.

Also, state your intention in the present tense and be as specific and detailed as possible.

This can mean writing out what you want and/or visualizing your intention.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (5)

For example, if you want to manifest a new job, don’t just say “I want a new job.”

Instead, write out “I am now working in a new job that I love that pays me what I am worth.”

Include how the new job will make you feel and describe aspects of the job that will mean the most to you.

Talk about how the job will positively impact your life.

Another example is manifesting financial abundance.

Don’t just say “I want more money.”

Instead, get clear about how much money you want and what you will do with it.

Be specific about the things you will buy, the places you will travel to, and the people you will help.

Visualize what your life will be like when you have the amount of money you desire.

Use money affirmations to help reprogram and build a healthy relationship with money.

This will raise your vibrations and frequency so that you are more aligned with the life you’re manifesting.

Another popular intention is manifesting someone and love into your life.

Don’t just say “I want a girlfriend/boyfriend.”

Instead, get clear about the qualities you want in a partner.

What kind of personality do they have?

What are their interests?

How does this relationship make you feel?

Write out all the details and FEEL as if you have already manifested this person into your life.

Always remember that when you are clear and specific about your intention, you are putting out the energy that will help to manifest it.

This specificity will help you focus your energy and raise your vibrations.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (6)

Feel & believe that it is already yours

As you know, feeling and believing that what you want is already yours is a key part of manifestation.

When you can feel and believe that your desire is already yours, you are opening up the energy channels and allowing the universe to deliver it to you.

This means that you must have faith and trust that what you want is on its way to you. You don’t need to know how it will happen or when, just that it is coming your way.

This also means that you must be in a state of gratitude for what you have and for your intention.

Keep your vibration high and remain positive and optimistic about your manifestation.

This will help to keep the energy flowing and increase the chances of it manifesting.

End Your Manifestation Method With Gratitude

Ending your manifestation method with gratitude, you are sealing in the energy of being in an abundant state and allowing the universe to deliver your desire to you.

At the end of your script or even your visualization, express gratitude for what you have and for your intention, because you know that it is already yours.

This keeps the high vibe frequency level and puts you in a state to easily attract your intention.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (7)

How To Show Gratitude When Manifesting

The first step to using gratitude for manifesting is to reprogram your mindset to become more grateful.

In today’s world, we’re programmed to constantly compare ourselves to others or even to the life that we wish we had.

This often leads to feelings of lack, unhappiness, and stress.

We may not even be aware of it, but we’re constantly looking for what’s wrong with our lives instead of being grateful for what’s right.

You may find yourself in a negative loop of complaining about your life or the things you don’t have. This is not a healthy or productive mindset to have, especially when trying to manifest what you want.

The key is to break this cycle and start looking at your life through the lens of gratitude.

When you do, you will see that there are plenty of things to be grateful for, no matter what your current situation is.

You can express gratitude by simply thinking and feeling thankful or you can write down the things you are grateful for in a gratitude journal.

Read more about how to express gratitude in this post.

Next, we’ll explore 3 simple ways to show gratitude when manifesting anything you want.

3 Ways To Show Gratitude When Manifesting

  1. Start your day with gratitude
  2. Pause throughout the day and be thankful
  3. End your day with appreciation
How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (8)

Start your day with gratitude

The best way to start your day is by being grateful for all the good that’s in your life.

When you wake up, take a few minutes to think about all the things you’re grateful for.

This could be your family, your home, your health, your bed, anything!

Gratitude sets the tone for your day and will help you stay positive and happy.

When you start your day with gratitude, you are more likely to be aligned with your desired reality and manifesting good things throughout the day will become second nature.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (9)

Pause throughout the day and be thankful

Another way to stay in a gratitude mindset is to intentionally pause throughout the day and find something to be grateful for.

This can be as simple as noticing the sun shining or a beautiful flower on your way to work.

Even if you find yourself in a difficult situation in your day, pause and find something to appreciate.

This will help you stay positive and keep your energy high.

For example, if you’re in an unpleasant situation with a coworker, being thankful for the fact that you have a job and are able to provide for yourself can help you stay calm.

Or perhaps you can be grateful for the difficult situation because it teaches you a valuable lesson.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (10)

End your day with appreciation

End each day with gratitude by thinking about all the good that happened throughout the day. Think of the things you’re grateful for, no matter how small they may seem.

For example at the end of your day, you may be grateful for the fact that you woke up this morning, the food you ate, the clothes you’re wearing, and your bed.

Appreciate the fun moments and all the times you were able to laugh and enjoy someone’s company.

Be thankful for all the good that you did today and all that you achieved.

Gratitude will help you reflect on the good in your day and put you in a positive mood for bed.

Ending your day with gratitude will also help you sleep better and have a more positive outlook on life overall.

Use these 33 gratitude affiramtions and 21 gratitude journal prompts to help your manifestations.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (11)

Benefits of gratitude & law of attraction

Now that you know how to stay in a gratitude mindset, it’s important to understand the benefits of gratitude.

Those who feel gratitude are really able to find their own energy.

If we feel grateful in our hearts, this increases our vibrations of energy.

When you’re grateful, your life is so much better.

Here are five benefits of practicing gratitude :

  • Gratitude raises your vibration and energy instantly
  • Gratitude puts you in a state of abundance and attracts more things
  • Practicing gratitude will make you happier
  • Your relationships will be healthier and stronger
  • You’ll sleep better (like a baby!)
How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (12)

Gratitude raises your vibration and energy

When you’re grateful, you instantly raise your vibration and energy and honestly, life is just better!

The vibrational scale of consciousness is a popular guide for personal growth.

To use this scale, figure out where you are emotionally. If you’re at a lower level and want to raise your vibrations, expressing gratitude will certainly help.

You’ll connect with your higher self, and you’ll feel free.

Expressing gratitude means that you are able to enjoy the experiences of acceptance, love, joy and peace while letting go lower frequency emotions like fear, anger and grief.

Persons who vibrate at a high frequency are also more aware of themselves and are able to adapt and remove lower vibe emotions as they arise.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (13)

Gratitude puts you in a state of abundance & helps manifest anything you want

Following from above, expressing gratitude puts you in an instant state of abundance and you will easily attract anything you desire at that level.

Following from the previous point, gratitude is a key ingredient in the manifestation process as it instantly raises your vibrational frequency.

When you’re grateful for what you want, you are sending a signal to the universe that you are open to receiving it. gratitude speeds up the manifestation process.

Manifesting from a “needy” place (from places of guilt, fear or grief) signals that you are in a place of lack and you’re more likely to attract similar things into your life.

By just reprogramming your subconscious to be grateful for the things you already have in your life, you will instantly increase your frequency.

And, this shift in perspective will attract more good things into your life and will bring an abundance of blessings into your life.

As long as you express gratitude as part of your routine, all areas of life are filled with blessings and you’ll automatically receive an abundance of them.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (14)

Practicing gratitude will make you happier

When you appreciate all that you have, you’ll begin to see life in a more positive light

Our actions and reactions to things in our life are directly influenced by our experiences and learned behaviour.

Everyday is an opportunity to try to reprogram ourselves to create new, positive habits, like practicing gratitude.

Expressing gratitude can help develop new perspectives and a much healthier outlook on life.

For instance, you will can noticing positive aspects in everything you encounter every day.

You can better appreciate the good in your life and see the silver lining in every cloud.

This positive attitude will automatically attract more good things into your life.

Gratitude improves your overall mood and attitude and make you happier.

When you practice gratitude and are consistently appreciating life and all that you have you are able to look at life through different lenses.

Practicing gratitude can mean that you will learn to replace frustration or disappointment with understanding and love.

For instance, consider a situation where you may have once gotten frustrated. Now, you will be able to rise above the situation and handle it better emotionally, leaving you feeling contented with the experience.

This means that even though tough situations will arise in your life, you will find a way and ultimately be happy in most, if not all situations.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (15)

Your relationships will be healthier and stronger

Gratitude is also a powerful tool for relationships.

Our brains are often occupied with imagining what is missing from healthy relationships with our loved ones and we tend to overlook the things that are great about it.

When you look at your relationships from a place of lack, you will never be satisfied and happy. You’ll always be searching for more.

On the other hand, accepting your loved ones for who they are and having an appreciation for them will help you to enjoy your relationships more.

When you’re grateful, you are kinder and more understanding to the people in your life.

For instance, by practicing gratitude, you will start to see things from their perspective and this alone can drastically improve your relationships.

Overall, gratitude helps to create a strong bond between people and strengthens relationships.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (16)

You’ll sleep better (like a baby!)

Gratitude is also great for your sleep!

From personal experience, I know that a gratitude journal can help you fall asleep faster and get a better night’s sleep.

Expressing gratitude creates a sense of calm and peace that leads to restful sleep.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (17)

Final Thoughts On Manifesting With Gratitude

So as you can see, the benefits of gratitude are many!

When you make gratitude a part of your daily routine, you will notice a huge change in your life for the better.

Be sure to start with some small things that you’re grateful for, and work your way up to the bigger things.

Gratitude is truly a miraculous thing.

When gratitude is used in conjunction with manifesting, it can speed up the process and help you achieve your goals.

Always remember that being grateful for everything in your life will bring you everything you desire.

How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (18)

Posts To Help You Manifest Anything In Your Life

  • How To Raise Your Vibrations In 7 Easy Ways
  • How To Reframe Self Limiting Beliefs To Manifest Something Want
  • How To Use Visualization To Manifest What You Want
  • 15 Easy, Small Things To Manifest For Beginners
  • Easy, Powerful 3 Step Morning Gratitude High Vibe Routine

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How To Manifest Something Easier & Faster Using The Power Of Gratitude (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.